Saturday, March 18, 2017

Meet My Traveling/Running Buddy Flat Stanley

My grand-daughter Ava wanted to know if I would take "Stanley" with me on my road trip to Dallas and post some photos for her class project. Stanley and I had a great time! 

He even met a friend in Dallas! The two of them traveled together when she was "younger. She's now so old! In the third grade!"

Stanley barely survived a stampede, got all sweaty (so sorry Ava!) out on a training run, got lost in some weeds, nearly lost his head in the sculpture garden, and fell off the fence when seeing the giant eyeball staring at him. Thankfully, I'm letting him sleep in during the half! 

 Through my adventures with Stanley I probably met a dozen parents, children, and teachers who all knew who Stanley was. So, fun conversations about my grandchildren, Dallas, the race, running a marathon, and raising funds for One family even said they knew that Matt Damon was associated with So... Stanley and Matt are famous, but who's that old guy hanging out with them?
Adventures with Ava and Stella

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Chicago Playlist

Ready for Chicago! Well, as ready as I'm gonna get. Here's some fun for you young kids. My playlist. Recognise any of the tunes?  ...